Mr. Quang

Ms. Ngọc

Creatinase (C2-AE) Creatinase (C2-AE) The enzyme is useful for the determination of creatinine and creatine in clinical analysis. S000202 Hóa chất phân tích Kikoman Số lượng: 0 cái

Creatinase (C2-AE)

  • The enzyme is useful for the determination of creatinine and creatine in clinical analysis.
Lĩnh vực
Hãng cung cấp
Origin recombinant E. coli
Lineage name

Creatine amidinohydrolase

EC Number
Reaction formula

Creatine + H2O →→→ Sarcosine + Urea


Appearance white lyophilizate  
Activity ≧9 U/mg lyophilizate  
Contaminant catalase       <0.5%  
Stabilizer sucrose  
Storage below -20℃  


Molecular weight ca. 80 kDa (gel filtration)
Structure 2 subunits of 46 kDa (SDS-PAGE)
Michaelis constant 1.3×10-2M (creatine)
pH Optimum 7.0–9.0
pH Stability 5.0–11.0
Optimum temperature 40℃
Thermal stability below 45℃
Stability (liquid form) stable at 37℃ for at least one month
Stability (powder form) stable at 30℃ for at least one month
Inhibitors Hg2+


The enzyme is useful for the determination of creatinine and creatine in clinical analysis.


  • Suzuki, M, Medical Technology, 7, 945–950 (1979).
  • Suzuki, M. and Yoshida, M., Clin. Chim. Acta, 140, 289–294 (1984).
  • Suzuki, M. and Yoshida, M., Clin. Chim. Acta, 143, 147–155 (1984).

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