Mr. Quang

Ms. Ngọc

Cholesterol Oxidase (CHO-PEWL) Cholesterol Oxidase (CHO-PEWL) The enzyme is useful for the determination of cholesterol in clinical analysis. S000203 Hóa chất phân tích Kikoman Số lượng: 0 cái

Cholesterol Oxidase (CHO-PEWL)

  • The enzyme is useful for the determination of cholesterol in clinical analysis.
Lĩnh vực
Hãng cung cấp
Origin recombinant E. coli
Lineage name

Cholesterol : oxygen oxidoreductase

EC Number 1.1.3
Reaction formula

Cholesterol + 2O2 →→→ 6β-hydroperoxycholest-4-en-3-on + H2O2


Appearance liquid form (20–30% sucrose solution)  
Activity ≧200 U/ml  
Storage below -20℃ protected from light  


Molecular weight ca. 59 kDa (gel filtration)
Structure monomer of 60 kDa (SDS-PAGE)
Michaelis constant 1.9×10-5 M (cholesterol)
pH Optimum 6.5–8.0
pH Stability 3.5–8.5
Optimum temperature 55℃–65℃
Thermal stability below 70℃
Stability (liquid form) stable at 25℃ for at least one month
Inhibitors Ag+, Hg2+


The enzyme is useful for the determination of cholesterol in clinical analysis.


  • Aono, R. et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 60, 2518–2523 (1994).
  • Doukyu, N. et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 64, 1929–1932 (1998).
  • Doukyu, N. and Aono, R., Biochem. J., 341, 621–627 (1999).
  • Doukyu, N. and Aono, R., Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 57, 146–152 (2001).
  • Aunpad, R. et al., Acta Cryst., D58, 2182–2183 (2002).

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