Mr. Quang

Mr. Nam

Ms. Như

LuciPac A3 Water LuciPac A3 Water

Hygiene monitoring test kit for water and liquid

LuciPac A3 Water detects ATP+ADP+AMP to verify cleanliness of water and liquid samples.
60365 Surface swab test Quantity: 1 cái

LuciPac A3 Water

  • Hygiene monitoring test kit for water and liquid

    LuciPac A3 Water detects ATP+ADP+AMP to verify cleanliness of water and liquid samples.
Description Sampling stick with releasing reagent and luminescent reagent
Quantity 100 sticks/kit (20 x 5 aluminum bags)
Storage 2-8 ℃ (Do not freeze)
Expiry 15months after manufacturing date
Lumitester PD-20/PD-30/Smart are designed instruments for LuciPac A3. PD-10 (N) is not compatible with LuciPac A3.

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